Thursday, April 24, 2008

Dreamer and doer

Is it best to be a dreamer or is it best to be a doer? Actually, it is helpful to be both.

In all great creations, the idealistic exists with the pragmatic in elegant proportions. A dream is of little value unless you put action into it, and action won't get you very far unless there is meaningful purpose behind it.

Allow yourself to dream grand, magnificent dreams that express the deepest essence of who you are. Then let those dreams pull you steadily through the practical, nuts-and-bolts work of making them real.

Work through each day with diligence and persistence, doing what there is to be done. And as you do, stay close to the dreamer that always lives within you.

As a dreamer, you can envision a world and a life with no limits. As a doer, you can focus on something that has never existed before and make it real.

Let your most treasured dreams focus your actions and let your actions express your dreams. Be both a dreamer and a doer, and dive deeply into the multifaceted treasure that is your life.

By:- Ralph Marston

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

To Love and be loved…

Few days back, I was royally bored at work and asked Anand (my husband) to send me something to read. He keeps sending me great stuff to read from time to time when I am at work and I do not feel like working (which is pretty often!!!). One such article he sent a while ago had a philosophical tone and something in there caught my imagination and I have been craving to expand the summary of that article in my own terms. It spoke about our inner strengths and weaknesses. It spoke about how every incident taking place in our life is something that we have attracted to ourselves whether it is desirable or otherwise. It spoke about how we could win the world by listening to the true messages our heart gives us. And most importantly, it spoke about getting everything we want by learning to understand the most important element of life, namely LOVE.

The summary of that article or what I thought to be the most important point in it was “Throughout the day, every word we hear and every action we witness is either an expression of love or a cry for love. This love is the essence of happiness. Besides food, shelter and clothing, it is the greatest need of all human beings. So, remember to respond to the calls for love with love.” The simple narration of such a profound concept just bowled me over. It’s a simple thought but one of the most neglected and less practiced virtue as well.

How often do we respond to the calls of love by ignorance or the pretence of ignorance or just because we do not want to respond with love? Most of the times our ego comes in between or the beliefs and prejudices we have nurtured growing up, stands in between us and our expressions of love. Our thinking creates our consciousness and how we can help control it. We observe things around, let our minds get affected by the happenings, whether good or bad, and mostly the unpleasant happenings become absorbed in negativity which affects our disposition. And that in turn makes us react to situations or people with anger, frustration, or at times with envy. One simple way to avoid getting affected this way is to carry our own aura, our own atmosphere with us. In other words, keep our loving presence intact. If we can practice being unaffected by negative emotions like anger, hatred, jealousy, competition etc., whether it is directed at us or someone else, we can take a big step towards creating our own tranquil state of existence. And attaining that state would in turn make it easier to practice the science of love. People strive to attain harmony and love in everything they do, than why not give to the world what we seek most in our existence, and receive what the same in turn. In my opinion, happiness can be a state of mind or a particular outlook towards it. But the happiness that comes to us when we can love without any strings attached and see the person or situation respond to it with that special glow, which comes out naturally upon being loved so much, is what many of us seek all along the journey of life. There could never be any reason or cause just enough for us to stop loving and giving, and in turn be loved, cherished and feel being in a state of supreme happiness. Love can really make the world go around; win hearts, heal wounds, and of course make every moment a special one. To love and be loved is to be able to celebrate life everyday…over and over again…!!!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Quotable Quote...

"What the caterpillar calls the end, the rest of the world calls a butterfly!!!"

"I have three treasures. Guard and keep them: The first is deep love, the second is frugality, and the third is not to dare to be ahead of the world. Because of deep love, one is courageous. Because of frugality, one is generous. Because of not daring to be ahead of the world, one becomes the leader of the world."

By: - Lao Tzu.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Beginnings are wonderful happenings!!!

A warm welcome to all my friends and other readers who may stumble upon this venture of mine! For a long time, I have been thinking of creating a chronicle of my most cherished thoughts, nostalgic memories, reflections and random musings. I have been longing to do something I love to but it's been tough to free myself from the unlimited chores of my everyday existance, to just create some time and space of my own. To let go and to hold on at the same time of the string of my thoughts by writing just at random or penning down some things that I love to read, maybe written by others...Until today...when by chance I stumbled upon a beautiful quote by an anonymous author..."A single dream can launch the journey of a lifetime" made me think, ponder and the more I thought, the more I became determined to create this blog today and let the journey begin!

I know it will take some patience, sustained efforts and a willingness to devote some time and energy out of my everyday life to give shape to my imaginations through the medium of writings in this blog. But as of today, I am willing to make this small commitment to myself, of taking the baby steps to chronicle the wide spectrum of thoughts floating across my mind from time to time, urging me to pen them down so that I do not fail to track the simple moments and then the blissful moments and sometimes the not so blissful moments that make up my life worth living, loving and laughing!!! If it can be any other day, let it be today!!!